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With over 20 years of hands on experience here on my blog you can pick up some great tips and ideas to help you make a PAIN FREE START

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  • Hypermobility Pic

    Hypermobility Syndrome



    What are Hypermobility and Hypermobility Syndrome? Hypermobility is where some or all of a person’s joints move with ease past the normal range of motion. It is thought to effect 30% of the population. Hypermobility of the joints is caused due to laxity in the tissues surrounding the joints – mainly ligaments and joint capsules.…

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  • Flexible 2

    Are you hypermobile? Take this test.



    So we all remember those kids at school who could do weird things with their shoulders, or the girl with the knees that bent back the wrong way, I remember looking at them in awe and wonder. Or the gymnasts, dancers and circus performers who move in ways you would think impossible and all with…

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  • Blog Image At 7

    Masterclass – Achilles Tendinopathy (Tendonitis)



    In this blog, we find out more about the Achilles tendon and what’s going on when we have Achilles Tendinopathy. Before going on to look at the best way to treat it. The Achilles tendon Tendons are strong rope-like tissue that contains collagen protein. The purpose of the tendon is to transmit forces from the…

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Is Your Posture Causing You Pain?