The blog

With over 20 years of hands on experience here on my blog you can pick up some great tips and ideas to help you make a PAIN FREE START

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  • Can the Wrong Shoes Cause Back Pain?



    Introduction When it comes to managing back pain, many people focus on posture, exercise, or even their mattress. But did you know that the shoes you wear could be playing a significant role in your discomfort? It’s a conversation I often find myself having with patients in clinic. How Shoes Affect Your Back Our feet…

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  • Finding the Perfect Sitting Position: A Guide to Comfort at Work



    Introduction Spending long hours at a desk can take a toll on your body, leading to discomfort, pain, and even long-term issues if not addressed properly. As a physiotherapist, I often see patients struggling with poor sitting posture and its effects. Fortunately, finding a comfortable and supportive sitting position is easier than you might think.…

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  • Sleeping well with pain – Proven Strategies for a Restful Night



    Introduction Whether you’re dealing with chronic pain from an injury, a medical condition like arthritis, or muscle soreness after a tough day, getting a good night’s sleep can seem like an uphill battle. Pain can make it difficult to fall asleep and lead to constant tossing and turning. In clinic I can spot the patients…

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Is Your Posture Causing You Pain?