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  • Blog Image Good Posture 155

    How Walking Aids Can Help Spinal Stenosis Patients: Improve Mobility and Reduce Pain



    Introduction For those living with spinal stenosis, walking can become increasingly painful. However, using a walking aid such as a cane, stick, or rollator can provide much-needed support and help you stay active. They can also reduce your pain! Walking aids are particularly helpful for encouraging a forward-leaning posture, which is known to relieve spinal…

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  • Blog Image Good Posture 151

    Managing Your Pain with Spinal Stenosis: Tips and Strategies for Lasting Relief



    Introduction Living with spinal stenosis can be challenging, but managing pain effectively can significantly improve your quality of life. From medication to physiotherapy, and lifestyle changes to supportive footwear, a comprehensive approach is key. In this blog, we’ll explore a range of evidence-based strategies to help manage your pain and maintain your mobility. Whether you’re…

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  • Blog Image Good Posture 159

    Cauda Equina Syndrome: Why Immediate Action is Crucial



    Cauda equina syndrome (CES) is a rare but serious condition that requires urgent medical attention. It occurs when the bundle of nerves at the base of the spine, known as the cauda equina, becomes compressed. These nerves control several critical functions, including movement and sensation in the legs, bladder, bowel, and sexual function. Without prompt…

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Is Your Posture Causing You Pain?