Online Treatment Programs

Arthritic Knee

Is your Arthritic Knee slowing you down? If you are keen to get more out of your knee and your life, then this program is for you.

Completely TRANSFORM your knee with expert help and guidance. Learn all about your knee, how to manage it and what to do to improve it. Including a full exercise program carefully designed by someone who has been transforming Arthritic knees since 2001. You are in safe hands. Take a look.

Pain Free Back

TRANSFORM your lower back. Making it EASIER to do the things you LOVE.

If you have back pain or just lack confidence or strength in your back – then this program is for you.

Expert coaching, advice and exercises.

Giving you a STRONG, DEPENDABLE BACK you deserve.

Plantar Fascia Pain

In this program, I share with you all the advice and exercises you need to resolve this tricky and painful problem. As well as making long-term changes to prevent it from returning in the future.

You will soon be back on your feet. Whether that’s running ultra-marathons or walking to the shops. I’ve got it covered.

Achilles Tendinopathy

This course has everything you need to resolve your Achilles Tendinopathy, fast. Ensuring you do the right things, at the right time, in the right way. Full rehab programme returning your former fitness level whether that’s walking the dog or running ultra marathons.

Pain Free Posture – FREE

Upgrade your posture quickly and easily with this FREE program. Make changes in just 35 minutes.

Pain Free Body

Beginning with a full body MOT – I guide you through a 14-stage assessment to identify problems such as stiffness, poor strength, balance, alignment and posture.

Then it’s action time! I lead you through a phased exercise programme at a speed that suits you, targeting all those problem areas and giving you a strong, dependable body that you can be proud of.

Golfer’s Elbow

This program allows you to resolve your golfer’s elbow fast. I share with you many years of experience, information, exercises, tips and tricks.

Get started today and get back to enjoying your Pain Free Elbow.

Tennis Elbow

This course is a complete package of everything you need to resolve your tennis elbow fast. I share with you many years of experience, information, exercises, tip, and tricks. Get started today and get back to enjoying your Pain Free Elbow. 

What My Patients Say

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