Assessment and Treatment options

After a thorough assessment taking time to listen to your problems and asking questions I will move onto a physical examination. From this together we will formulate a treatment plan. Treatments will vary depending on what is needed and this will be discussed and agreed with you.

I aim to settle your pain and symptoms as quickly as possible. This usually is relatively easy to do and where most practitioners stop. However, I like to go one step further by adding exercises and advice into your program to ensure your symptoms do not return or end up moving the problem elsewhere. I do this using a variety of techniques tailored to your needs. These may include; manual therapy, soft tissue work, correcting biomechanics, gait (walking) re-education, postural re-education, exercise therapy, pilates-based exercises, workstation advice, acute management advice, core strengthening, neural mobilisation, balance and proprioception work.

START your PAIN FREE life today!

I can help with the following

  • Rehabilitation and recovery from surgery
  • Sports injuries
  • Back & neck problems
  • Nerve pain – sciatica, and other referred pain.
  • Joint problems – Shoulder, foot, ankle, hip, knee.
  • Arthritis management – working to strengthen and support the affected joints to reduce pain and improve function alongside a management program.
  • Headaches
  • Problems during and after pregnancy
  • Long covid management
  • Falls prevention and management
  • Biomechanical assessment
  • Work station/ergonomic assessment.

Not got a specific problem?

Some of my favourite patients to work with may not have a specific injury or pain but tell me the following; –

“l just feel really stiff” –

“I used to enjoy the gardening but it’s no longer enjoyable just hard work”

“I feel so old when I get out of bed in the morning”

“I would just love to tie my shoe laces without struggling and going upstairs is starting to feel very daunting”

“I’d really like to just get a bit fitter but I’m not sure where to start”

“I would love to be able to keep up with the grandchildren when we go out for the day I feel like I’m holding them back”

“I had a fall a few months ago and since then my confidence has really suffered”

My PAIN FREE -BODY- course maybe ideal for giving you back that strong, dependable PAIN FREE body you are striving for or visit me in clinic.

START your PAIN FREE life today!

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