Spinal Stenosis

  • Surgery for Spinal Stenosis: When Is It the Right Choice?



    Introduction Spinal stenosis is a common condition that results from the narrowing of the spaces within the spine, which can put pressure on the nerves and cause pain, numbness, or weakness in the back and legs. While many people manage their symptoms through non-surgical methods such as exercise, medication, and physiotherapy, there are cases where…

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  • Best Exercises for Spinal Stenosis: Reduce Pain Through Exercise.



    Introduction If you have spinal stenosis, you know how debilitating the condition can be. However, with the right exercise routine, you can manage your symptoms and even reduce pain. People with spinal stenosis are often put off exercise as activities like walking can increase pain. One of the most effective approaches for spinal stenosis is…

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  • The Best Shoes for Spinal Stenosis: How Footwear Can Help Ease Your Pain



    Spinal stenosis can be a painful and debilitating condition, often causing discomfort in the lower back, legs, and feet. While managing spinal stenosis typically involves medical treatment and physiotherapy, you may not realise that the shoes you wear can also impact your comfort and mobility. How Spinal Stenosis Affects Your Feet and Lower Back Spinal…

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  • How Walking Aids Can Help Spinal Stenosis Patients: Improve Mobility and Reduce Pain



    Introduction For those living with spinal stenosis, walking can become increasingly painful. However, using a walking aid such as a cane, stick, or rollator can provide much-needed support and help you stay active. They can also reduce your pain! Walking aids are particularly helpful for encouraging a forward-leaning posture, which is known to relieve spinal…

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  • Managing Your Pain with Spinal Stenosis: Tips and Strategies for Lasting Relief



    Introduction Living with spinal stenosis can be challenging, but managing pain effectively can significantly improve your quality of life. From medication to physiotherapy, and lifestyle changes to supportive footwear, a comprehensive approach is key. In this blog, we’ll explore a range of evidence-based strategies to help manage your pain and maintain your mobility. Whether you’re…

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